The $80M South West Loddon Pipeline Project is a joint initiative between GWMWater, Loddon Shire, Coliban Water, Goulburn-Murray Water, and the Victorian and Federal Governments. The project includes 1300km of water pipeline trunk & distribution network, along with 13 pumping stations, tanks and channel offtakes.
The new pipeline system extends the existing Wimmera-Mallee stock and domestic pipeline east of St Arnaud, across to Wedderburn, Inglewood and Bridgewater on Loddon north west of Bendigo, providing a more secure rural water supply to sustain a viable regional economy. The project will service 260 rural farming enterprises and 370 lifestyle properties over an area of 2900km² with a reticulated water supply. PNP was engaged by GWMWater to undertake inspection services during construction, between February and December 2018.
The field inspector role supervised contractor activities in the field, particularly regarding quality, safety and environmental performance. Pipelines were generally DN60 – DN125 PE ploughed-in and DN150 – DN 375 PVC installed by trenching.
Services Provided